
During this time of social distancing we are offering webinars on various topics to help make life just a little bit easier. Check out our upcoming webinars below

ABCs of Behavior Management for Parents

Are you getting frustrated with your child being home all day? Feel like you have no idea how teachers manage a classroom full of kids? Learn the basics of behavior management and how to apply it at home with your children! 

In this webinar we will discuss the basics of behavior and how to use behavior management strategies to get you children to follow directions without yelling! Learn research based strategies from Marlena Brandstein- a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

Watch the ABCs of Behavior Management Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Quarantine Challenges Webinar Series

Join Marlena Brandstein, a Board Certified Behavior Analayst (BCBA) for a 5 week webinar series on how to manage your child’s behavior during quarantine and all year round! During this series, you will learn how to handle situations like your child refusing to do their school work, hitting their siblings or you, and how to teach them new life skills! 

Each week, we will delve into a common quarantine challenge and Marlena will walk you through the steps to figure out what is going on and various options on how to change it. Marlena will teach new behavior management strategies and tips and tricks to make sure they work for you!

Join for 1 session or sign up for them all to get the most out of her expertise! If you purchase for the first 4 weeks, contact Marlena at to get a code to get week 5 FREE!

Watch Week 1: Getting Your Kids To Listen To You Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Watch Week 4: Teaching Kids to do Household Tasks Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Watch Week 4: Teaching Kids to do Household Tasks Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Watch Week 4: Teaching Kids to do Household Tasks Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Watch Week 4: Teaching Kids to do Household Tasks Webinar Recording

Checkout to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!


Join the webinar to learn some potty training basics to get you started. There will also be a Q&A if you have questions for the host. 

The webinar will be lead by Marlena Brandstein, she is a a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and a Licensed Behavior Specialist (LBS). She has toilet trained kids ranging in ages from 2 to 16 and specializes in parent training. She has lots of tips and tricks that are all research based and is ready to share them with you! 

Watch the Potty Training 101 Webinar Recording

Check out to get access to the recording of this webinar and watch at whatever time works for you!
